Black women: a powerful tradition of organizing & winning

Black women’s equal pay day puts the spotlight on the centuries-long economic exploitation and social subjugation of Black women.
Black women have been the backbone of the U.S. economy for centuries, as domestic workers, farm workers, factory and retail workers. These heroes have been leading our movement for rights and respect for nannies, house cleaners and care workers decades. Yet, in spite of the importance that Black women play in our economy and our lives, it is Black women who are now bearing the brunt of the current economic, social and public health crises.
Join us on Thursday at 7 PM ET (English) or 8 PM ET (Spanish – clic aqui) as we highlight a long and powerful tradition of Black women organizing to secure justice and dignity–in our workplaces and in our communities. RSVP below! And if you can’t join us live, just RSVP, and we’ll send you the recording after!
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